Our Games

Detective – French ONLY

Kids Games

LOKI is proposing fun boardgames tailored to kids between 4 and 8 years or older.

Better safe than sorry…

Our Booth


Our demo team has been training hard for months to provide you with the best gaming experience!
We selected only the best, we mercilessly put to the test their mind and body, we woke them up at night with quizzes about the most subtle rules…
And still, they’ll greet you with a genuine smile! : )

That’s how awesome they are…


We invited 8Bit Box’s designers to Essen, so you can meet them at our booth and play at the first Boardgame Console with Franck and Gregoire. Check out the days and times below, and just come to chat or play with them and get your games signed.


Get all our new games and classic titles from our booth store, including 3 new releases already in German. Buy a game and try your luck with the IELLO Arcade to win awesome prizes! Some promo items will also be available when buying new releases or playing games at our booth. : )

Meet 8Bit Box’s Designers

8Bit Box's designers Frank Crittin and Gregoire Largey will be on our booth 
to play with you on Thursday, Friday & Saturday from 14:00 to 15:00.

Don’t be shy!


SPIEL’18 • Messe Essen, Germany


Hall 3 • Booth M-109


October 25th>28th • 10:00>19:00 (18:00 on Sunday)